Saturday, November 12, 2011

ART GALLERY: Welcome to the world of zero boundaries

My Art is Truly MY Only Sanity 

Please contact me if you are interested on exhibiting, publishing and or purchasing any of my art, or if you simply have questions/comments at : 

"City of Angels"
By:Maritza Molina  

"Humming Beatz"
By: Maritza Molina (Mares)

"Los Angeles Una Atardecer Serena"
By: Maritza Molina (Mares) 

Los Angeles Una Atardecer Serena
As Busy, loud, and congested as our City of Angels is, it is possible to see the beauty within it and it’s surroundings,
The buildings that were once congested and surrounded by people now remain empty and resting,
The city breathes, and a calm breeze caresses its civilians,
The traffic lights become a light show,
The noise pollution coming from cars become a rhythm,
People finally resting at home on a summer evening,
As a flamboyant sunset fills the souls of the city with tranquility,
Everything and everyone is serene.
: Mares :

"Corazón y Alma"
By: Maritza Molina (Mares)

By: Maritza Molina (Mares) 

This graceful creature that relies on our pachamama to aliment her through the juicy nectar of our flowers,
She travels from flower to flower kissing and embracing every pedal and pollinating as she exchanges her gratifying love,
She appears from another realm at dawn then returns by dusk,
She is said to enlighten and nurture the mind and hearts of those who witness her presence,
Her beauty haunts your consciousness and inspires you to live and strive.

"The Universe Guides You"
By: Maritza Molina (Mares) 

The Universe Guides You
You are part of the stars,
You are part of the Universe,
You are your own Planet,
Your are your own world,
Find yourself within your place of origin,
Just listen to the elements within you,
Life and Death holds your hands in every second and moment in time,
Don’t be afraid, hold on to both and embrace the possibilities,
Your energy is forever living within the Universe,
 And forever recycled even after death.

By: Maritza Molina (Mares)

 "Soul Beatz"
By: Maritza Molina (Mares)

Soul Beatz:
A melody that unifies my quarrelling thoughts within myself,
As soon as the beat hits my soul I become one,
The beats immediately shock my body and then enter my blood stream,
I can feel it thumping within the deepest crevices and corners of my organs,
Where would I be without music? Who would I be? How would my spirit survive?
Music is food for my soul,
My head, feet, entire body begins to move to the rhythmic grooves,
I sing, I hummm, I feel the music,
Suddenly I forget about my existing surroundings, and my unwanted thoughts are now extinct,
Enlightment is reached. 

"Elefante Noble"
By: Maritza Molina (Mares)

Elefante Noble
Elefante que camina por las tierras de vuestro planeta,
Sagrados son sus pasos, que retumban contra la superficie de la tierra pachamama,
Escucha sus llamadas a la naturaleza,
La voz de su lengua es acariciada por el viento y sus vibraciones viajan lejos
Son tan vibrantes que la velocidad de los corazones
que son victimas de sus llamadas se aceleran,
Ella escucha las estrellas explotar en los misterios azules del universo con sus orejas enormes,
Elefante criatura de la magia que intensamente los amores del mundo. 

"Forever Wild"
By: Maritza Molina (Mares)

Forever Wild:

A picture of a captivating Tiger at Forever Wild Sanctuary in California,
Please check out their site : and support!!
Prints are available for this painting and money will be donated directly to support the sanctuary. Please contact me for more information. 

*****Please note all ART has been copywrited by the 

U.S. Copyright Office  All rigths reserved: 

    Maritza Molina/Mares Azules

Please contact me if you are interested in using my art for any type of 

publications and etc*******

Contact : Maritza Molina  

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Where Art and Imagination Collide

All over our Earth we are surrounded by natural beauty, wonder, and magic, by having these critical and valuable phenomenas it gives us the inspiration to create. To create with our imaginations and manifest it through our love of art and the yearn to express. Art is expressed in many different forms it can be music, dance, constructing, painting, writing, and so on.. but as long as one finds themselves through what they create art can be ones place-of birth. Where one comes back to life. Ive found myself through my art, and with my art Ive refined my ideas about my own purpose on my temporary existence on earth, and learned to enjoy the bliss of life. Art is a language, art is the self expression of our own soul talking, art is diverse just like every being, art can be so strong that it can move cities and country's, change a persons life. Art is ever evolving with our forever evolving mind and world.  Embrace it, ..BE ..

Welcome to my page, I hope that what Ive created will plant a seed in your heart, souls, and minds...
If there are any painting you are interested in please contact me via email:
I can also do customize work, I also enjoy doing portraits of creatures since they themselves are a work of art already. Feel free to drop me a line, any ideas, comments, wants .. whatever it is, I am here and available
Keep evolving, Continue Spiraling (~*~).
Live in the now, not in the past, and not in the tomorrow. 
What you create now, will be your tomorrow!! SO LIVE IN THE NOW!!!
Maritza Molina 

Mares de Imaginacion