Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Maritza Molina was born October 22, 1984 and was planted (born) in Los Angeles CA and has sprouted (subsided) in LA ever since. Around her teenage years she discovered her passion for art. She first started drawing cartoon characters for her siblings and her friends and realized she enjoyed it so very much that she began to explore it. All her art skills have been self-taught and continue to be mastered as she creates more of her masterpieces. She continues to create art and has had many successful art shows around LA since 2006. Some of her exhibitions have been at Barnsdale Park at LAMAG in 2007 and 2009, Self Portrait in Los Angeles 2009, Benefit Event for “Children of Chiapas” 2007, Space Station Music and Art event 2010, Subculture events 2007-2008; Maritza is known for her surreal, abstract, imaginative, and powerful paintings. To Maritza every art painting she creates has to have a significance and a message to the mind of the beholder. Maritza’s philosophy is  “Art is a language, art is the self expression of our own soul talking, art is diverse just like every being, art can be so strong that it can move cities and country’s, it can change a person’s life” She also believes that with art you can: “plant a seed with art” and through this philosophy she seeks to share, express explore it within her paintings.

Art Exhibitions

Art on the Vine:
 Hello loves come join me for an evening of Art and Wine!! Ill be exhibiting my Art beginning Feb 4th- 29th at
Mari’s Wine Bar 
8222 Firestone Boulevard
Downey, CA
Opening reception is Feb 4th at 7pm. Drop by have some wine and enjoy the Art!! 
Ill be having a special exhibition dedicated to Valentines Day for those of you that are in love and are looking to share art with that special someone !! 
For more info feel free to email me.
For more up to date info feel free to add me on my facebook : Maritza Molina